Dear Community Reader !
This blog is about installing nanoserver on bare metal (HP MicroServer Gen8 in my case).
This device has many boot-options, i.e. Disks, USB Ports, Network cards and also an internal SD-Card reader.
I found the idea to boot a nanoserver from an internal SD-Cards charming, because it could be prepared on a workstation, is then stored inside the microservers case (see pictures) and the disks and SSD´s can be fully used for data and applications.
As we are here in a PowerShell blog, the frame conditions for this (and subsequent tasks are):
- Do everything in Powershell (no command-prompt programs)
- Prepare the boot media from a Windows 10 Workstation (no operations on the server itself with Preboot execution environment)
When dealing with boot-media, you need to differentiate between BIOS (old-Stype Basic-Input-Output-System) or UEFI (the new computer bios type). Both need different partition schemes of an SDCard to work.
BIOS Partition scheme
UEFI Partition scheme
The HP microserver Gen8 has a traditional BIOS, so we need to prepare a BIOS type Partition.
Start a PowerShell Session as Administrator.
Furthermore it is impoortant to know that managing more than one partition on a USB/SDCard is only possible with Windows Creators Update (march 2017) Version 1703.
So for creating BIOS-Type bootdisks, this doesnt matter, but if you plan to create a multi-partition UEFI Drive, please make sure you have Creators Update installed.
[codesyntax lang=“powershell“ title=“MBR Partition“ bookmarkname=“MBR Partition“]
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# Get the disk to prepare - note down disknumber and use in next variable Get-Disk $diskNumber = Read-Host "Enter Disk Number to prepare for nanoServer" # Erase disk Clear-Disk -Number $diskNumber -RemoveData # Define as MBR Disk Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle MBR -Number $diskNumber -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Create Primary Partition $priPart = New-Partition -DiskNumber $diskNumber -IsActive -UseMaximumSize Set-Partition -InputObject $priPart -NewDriveLetter 'Y' #Format Disk Format-Volume -Partition $PriPart -FileSystem 'NTFS' -NewFileSystemLabel 'nanoserver' |
If your computer is capable of booting with UEFI Bios, the following code with create the necessary partitions
[codesyntax lang=“powershell“ title=“GPT partition“ bookmarkname=“GPT Partition“]
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# Get the disk to prepare - note down disknumber and use in next variable Get-Disk $diskNumber = Read-Host "Enter Disk Number to prepare for nanoServer" # Erase disk Clear-Disk -Number $diskNumber -RemoveData # Define as GPT Disk Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle GPT -Number $diskNumber -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Create Microsoft Recovery Partition $msrPart = New-Partition -DiskNumber $diskNumber -Size 256MB -GptType '{e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215ae}' # Create and set EFI Partition $efiPart = New-Partition -DiskNumber $diskNumber -Size 256MB -GptType '{C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B}' Set-Partition -InputObject $efiPart -NewDriveLetter 'X' # Create Primary Partition $PriPart = New-Partition -DiskNumber $diskNumber -UseMaximumSize Set-Partition -InputObject $priPart -NewDriveLetter 'Y' #Format Disks Format-Volume -Partition $efiPart -FileSystem 'FAT32' -NewFileSystemLabel 'EFI' Format-Volume -Partition $PriPart -FileSystem 'NTFS' -NewFileSystemLabel 'nanoserver' |
Thats it! – Next steps will be to prepare the nanoserver-image for the server. Watch out for the next blog…