Kategorie: Scriptlösungen
AIShell, the latest and greatest addition to the PowerShell ecosystem may be your best friend at the commandline in the future. With current native support for OpenAI public, OpenAI …
The public preview of OpenAI and its ChatGPT is fascinating and after trying the web-interface, i wanted to do this via the commandline in PowerShell. See my PSCHatGPT repo …
The PowerShell Secrets Management Module became one of my must-haves on every computer i use with PowerShell. I already wrote a couple of posts about it. First Look into …
My recent article about the architecture of PowerShell Secret Management explained how the modules work together. This blog is a step by step guide on installation and usage of …
Storing secrets in scripts is a no-go since forever and therefor many workarounds exist to store credentials, API-keys and other secrets somewhere else to prevent them from getting stolen …
Windows Terminal gets more and more my standard-tool to interact with PowerShell. Beneath all the cool built-in-features, it allows pretty fonts, characters and therefor a very unique prompt, supported …
Information sometimes helps. COV-ID-19 information is currently everywhere, so i thought, why not on the PS Prompt ? This is a guide, on how to get current COV-ID-19 Data …
PowerShell 7 brought the Update-List CmdLet back and i was curious what it does (Psssst !!! – i never used it before either …). See the below example based …
Dates and time records are nearly everywhere. Files, database entries, logs, you cannot avoid them when dealing with automation. So formatting them the the right way with a fast …
Liebe Community ! Da ich gerade das Buch „Gier“ von Marc Elsberg lese, musste ich eine Sache in PowerShell ausprobieren, die mich nicht mehr losgelassen hat. Elsberg beschreibt eine …