Reset AD Passwords, Debug VS-Code, scripts collection Events ARM vs. PSARM – Toolsbattle to manage your Cloud-ResourcesJuly 22nd, we will discuss and demo the difference between Azure Resource Manager …
ExO, oAuth, SecretManagement, ISE-kill Events Azure-Cloud CafeThis will happen as a virtual event June 1st 19:00. We will focus on 3 topics:– IoT Central – Sensors -> Data -> …
Platy, Taskbar, CSV, Hangman Events Azure-Cloud CafeThis will happen as a virtual event June 1st 19:00. We will focus on 3 topics:– IoT Central – Sensors -> Data -> …
Crescendo, DSC, Usergroup review, VS-Code Events Azure-Cloud Cafe This will happen as a virtual event June 1st 19:00. We will focus on 3 topics:– IoT Central – Sensors -> …
Today we had our Q2/2021 UserGroup Meeting (online) with the following topics: PowerShell Engine Updates PowerShell Ecosystem Updates SecretManagement Modul Crescendo Slides are available on this website in this …
Austria Usergroup Meeting Mai 11 This is more an announcement than a SnippetRace, nevertheless, join us for this 1,5 hours full of news and updates with the following topics: …
Secrets, Signatures, Breaches, Learn Events PowerShell User Group Austria Meeting – Q2/2021This will happen as a virtual event May 11 17:00. We will focus on 3 topics:– Overview of …
Learn, Server 2022, SSH, VS-Code, Github Events PowerShell User Group Austria Meeting – Q2/2021This will happen as a virtual event May 11 17:00. We will focus on 3 topics:– …
PS1->EXE, replace, speech, process detection Events PowerShell User Group Austria Meeting – Q2/2021This will happen as a virtual event May 11 17:00. We will focus on 3 topics:– Overview …
$profile, azure, $PsDefaultParameterValues, OpenSSH Events PowerShell User Group Austria Meeting – Q2/2021 This will happen as a virtual event May 11 17:00. We will focus on 3 topics:– Overview …