PowerShell SnippetRace 03-2021

Azure IP, .NET Cmdlet, Custom AzureAD role, GPO-Links


  • Expertslive Cafe Q1/2020 – Topic „Azure“ will happen March 11, 2021, stay tuned.


Change Azure Public IP SKU with Powershell

When you deploy a VM (or other Services) in Azure, you will most likely create a public Ip address. This kind of service has multiple SKU´s (service qualities). You may change the SKU in the Portal, but thats boring. Read Piotr Wachulecs blogpost to learn how to do this with PowerShell.

How to „really“ write your first .NET CmdLet

Microsoft does have a guideline in their docs on how to write your first .NET based CmdLet, but its missing some important steps for beginners who lack of knowledge on Visual Studio all that programming stuff. Read Brandon Lees Blog to learn step-by-step and write your first binary CmdLet.

Create a custom Azure AD role with Powershell

AzureAD has a lot of predefined roles, sometimes they are just not enough. Custom roles can be created in the Azure Portal, but also in PowerShell. Learn to create your own roles and assign them to a user.


Since Group Policy Objects where introduced around year 2000, the discussion on managability hasnt stopped. Read Jeffrey Hicks thoughts on how to get Links to group Policy Objects in your local Active Directory.

Another Corona-Lockdown week is over, hope to get vaccinated soon!


Thanks to JJ Ying on Unsplash for the picture !