PowerShell SnippetRace 11/12-2023

Objects, Trim, PSReadLine, IP


  • Free PowerShell online Starter Workshop
    „From Zero-to-Hero“, March 29th, 2023. Infos and registration here: Link
  • PowerShell and DevOps Summit. April 24-27, 2023. Link
  • Expertslive Konferenz June 21, 2023 Linz – Link


IP Configuration with PowerShell

Even if this article is for Windows-only users, its worth a read. There are a lot CmdLets for networking in PowerShell. Learn how to use them this blog.

PSReadLine 2.3.0-beta0 is out

The PowerShell Engineering Team blogged about a new release of PSReadLine. Scrollable Listview, a Metadata Line and a lot of other enhancements are included. If you like PSReadline, give this one a try !

Trim characters from Strings

Strings, we love them because you can use them everywhere and we hate them because its hard to get them in shape. Read Wolfgang Sommerguts blog on how this works!

Objects Objects Objects

Jeffrey Hicks, one of the Jedi-Knights in the PowerShell space wrote en article on Objects, based on the creation of a course. Included is also a new CmdLet called Get-TypeMember, which shows members, based on a type name. Jeffs articles are always worth a read and hos tools are worth a try!

Have a good time, until 2 weeks R.

Foto von Markus Winkler auf Unsplash