2 weeks homeoffice may be unusual for many people, i do this since 16 years, so no big deal here. The big difference for all of us are the empty streets (Blog-Picture), the empty skies, the silence, low traffic and all other side effects of a paused world. Many unthinkable situations are now simply happening. A big chance for the post-corona-world.
Topics this week
Calendar, Folder Size, COVID-19 PS prompt, ASCIII Art
Due to the COV-ID-19 outbreak, trainings will be held online. Contact us for more details.
Automatisieren mit PowerShell leicht gemacht (€ 790): 8.Juni – 9. Juni 2020
Administrationswerkzeuge mit PowerShell entwickeln (€ 790): 6. April – 7. April 2020
PowerShell 7 Launch Event Austria – (7.7.2020) virtual !
Calendarific API PS Module
Read country specific holidays with this wrapper around the Calendarific API from RavikantC. Link
Fast Folder Sizes (PS7)
Filesystems are still the place to store data, independent of the OS. read this blog to see how to do this easily with PS7. Link
COVID-19 PowerShell Prompt
Last week i was generally prettifying my PowerShell prompt with the O-My-PoSh Module and nice fonts in Windows Terminal, so i thought i add a COVID-19 Info into the $profile. Link

Bored in Homeoffice ? Try PowerShell ASCII Art
Learn how to use an API to turn text into ASCII art. Link
Stay home and save lives…..
Thanks for the picture from IKRAM shaari from Pexels.