#LinuxTail, #GodMode, #Strings, PS in a Browser, Azure license report, Recursive function
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PowerShell 7 Launch Event Austria – (7.7.2020) virtual !
Command similar to Linux „tail“ for the Windows Eventlog
Read this blog to learn about a onliner to easily „tail“ Windows Eventlog in Linux style. Link
This is not PowerShell specific, but i didnt know it, even working with MS-Operating Systems since MS-DOS 4.0. There is a cheat to have all possible settings in one folder. Create a folder on your desktop with the name „GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}“. If you did this right the folder gets a blue-style settings icon. Open the folder and get all possible settings of Windows in one place.

We can also do this in PowerShell with:
1 2 |
cd ~\Desktop New-Item -Type Directory -Name 'GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}' |
Strings Strings Strings
Strings are probably the most common object type when you work with PowerShell. Read this blog to learn, especially if you think you know already everything. Link
Running PowerShell in a Browser
Look out for this example, running PowerShell on WebAssemblies. Link
Azure License Report for O365 Tenant
Check out this script to get a License report for O365-only Tenants. Link
Recursive Function Example
Something just for developers ? Get familiar with recursive functions, by checking out Tommy Maynards example. Link
Lock-Down ? ==> Open up !
Blog picture comes from Artem Beliaikin von Pexels.