PowerShell SnippetRace 27-30/2024

SystemRestorePoints, measure, PSSession, Terminal


PowerShell Usergroup Austria Cafe Q3/2024, Sept 24th – Praxistipps aus einem Großkonzern


Manage System Restore points by PowerShell

Well, it is not time machine on a mac and its not a snapshot on a real hypervisor, but still System Restore points can be your last line of defense in case of a bad configuration/update/installation. Read Wolfgang Sommerguts blogpost on managing System Restore Points with Powershell!

Measure !

Patrick Grünauers blog-posts are like „shorts“ on Youtube. You read it in 15 Seconds and know a little bit more. Patrick teaches the various options of measure-object in his recent blogpost.

How to reuse PSSessions in your scripts

This is for the windows-platform only as it requires WSMAN. Anyway as this might affect 95% of Powershell users it is pretty useful anyway. Read Adam Bertrams blogpost on PS Sessions and how to create, use and reuse them.

Classic Console or fancy terminal ?

With the introduction of WIndows Terminal, an addon to WIndows for professional Terminal management the „old“ console got out of sight. Still, people do use it and Wolfgang Sommergut made some thoughts about it and compared, integrated and wrote about it.

This was a 4-weeks span, the next blogs will again come in a shorter interval.


Foto von Siora Photography auf Unsplash

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