PowerShell SnippetRace 31-36/2024 (Summer Edition)

EntraID, Update Modules,Filesize, Terminal


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Preview of the PowerShell EntraID Module

Since the deprecation of the AzureAD Module, the community has been waiting for a solution to properly manage EntraID. MS-Graph was an option, but people still use the MSOnline and AzureAD module. To solve this, Microsoft is working on a new module called Microsoft.Graph.Entra.
Read the post of Vignesh Mudliar on his first steps on Microsoft.Graph.Entra.

Cleanup your PowerShell environment from Az and MS-Graph Modules

Az and Graph Modules are huge, because of the large number of dependent modules (Graph 38 and Azure 117). Sam Erde wrote a script to cleanup old modules after a new version is released. PSReWorkOut seems to deliver a solution for this problem, read Sam Erdes Blog and give him feedback.

Calculate the total filesize of files

Patrick Grünauer wrote post on a very simple but useful task. Show the filesize of a folder in GB. Read and try here.

News in Windows Terminal

Windows Terminal is getting better and better – Wolfgang Sommergut has summarized the recent updates like Restore output buffer, organizing code snippets, scratchpad and a lot more. Inform yourself on updates of Windows Terminal to get more efficient and effective.

Happy fall 2024 – R.

Foto von Aubrey Odom auf Unsplash

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