AADInternals, Passwords, Directories, Awsome PowerShell, Secrets Management
This is a blog post for 2 weeks, as a actually was on holiday last week (see picture ;-)).
We are planning an Expertslive Cafe on Oktober 29 around Client Management, stay tuned for more.
PowerShell Einsteigerworkshop 22. Oct. 2020 ONLINE
Azure AD Internals PS Module
Azure AD is some sort of complex and the GUI doesnt always show what you need. AAD Internals exists since 2018 and is updated ever since continuously. it shows AAD under the hood and does things like translate domains into tenantID, or is an e-Mail exists without authentication. If you work with Azure, give this a try ! Link
Read passwords from console
Now there is actually some c# in this solution, dont be scared, its really easy to reproduce. Link
Push and Pop ? or better Z!
If you have to navigate through a complex deep directory structure, push and pop might be helpful, but „Z“ is a real timesaver. Watch the short GIF Demo on the Github Repo and enjoy. Link
Awsome PowerShell tools and infos
Janik Vonrotz maintains a curated list of delightful PowerShell modules and resources on Github. Really useful! Link
Secrets Management Module
One of the modules, many people are waiting for got updated to release „preview 3“. There are many architectural changes, so go and read the blog. Link
Hope there was something in for you!