PowerShell SnippetRace 38/39-2022

quser, PSReadline, copy, classes



List all logged on users with quser.exe and PowerShell

quser is a tool to do what the headline says, Patrick Grünauer wrote a wrapper around it to organize the output in objects.

PowerShell prediction with style

The blogpost is from march/22, still there is a huge amount of people out there, not knowing that the prediction module exists. Read Jeffrey Hicks blog on installing and configuring PSReadline and its use.

Copy to multiple destinations

Another Jeffrey Hicks is this one. Copy a file to multiple destinations with a script. Sounds useful, read here.

PowerShell Classes: Getting started

If you ask yourself now – arent objects enough ? Read this blog by Tyler Muir and see yourself that classes make a lot of sense also with PowerShell.

Read you in 2 weeks.


Photo by Changbok Ko on Unsplash