PowerShell SnippetRace 42-2020

Custom formatting, Invoke-Item, Recover AD-Objects, Get-GPOReport




Custom formatting

Whenever you receive some PowerShell output on the console, it is somehow formatted, either there is a specific format for the objecttype, or the default-formatting tales over. If you want to deal with your own formatting, read those two blog entries. Easy custom formatting, Discovering Custom Formatting.

Invoke-Item (ii) familiarization

Its maybe one of those commandlets where you think – „did i use this one ever before ?“. Be sure to invest 10 minutes and read this blog about this important commandlet. Link

Recovering AD-Objects from the Recycle Bin

The heart of most Corporate networks is Active-Directory, nothing works without it. learn how to recover objects from the AD recycle bin with PowerShell. Link

Group Policy Reports

Group Policies are very powerful and allow complex configurations. Learn to create GPO reports for better visibility. Link

Hope there was something interesting included for you as well. Havea a nice week. R.

Photo by Frank Albrecht on Unsplash