PowerShell SnippetRace 44-2021 (PS Core 7.2 GA Edition)

This week:

PowerShell 7.2


PowerShell Core 7.2 is GA !

Immediately after the note from the official blog-Post I updated my PS installation. PS7.2 is a release focussed on usage, cleanup and optics. Well, the language is mature and there is are tons of tools, modules and scripts around to solve any possible problem. So dont wait for features, build your perfect working environment. But first things first.

Store update on my Computer

Based on .NET 6, PowerShell 7.2 ships as another long-term release with 3 years of support. Version 7.2 brings Microsoft Update Support and Enhanced ANSI in supported Terminals like „Windows Terminal“.

Enhanced ANSI Support

With the $PSStyle Variable you are able to customize the colors for your new terminal experience.

DSC is now comletely seperated from PowerShell.

PSReadline with predictive intelligence is now available with PSReadline 2.1. Add something like „Set-PSReadLineOption -HistoryNoDuplicates -ShowToolTips -PredictionSource History“ in your PowerShell Profile to use predictions.

For a detailed list of news read the docs article here.

Have fun with PS 7.2

Photo by Ankush Minda on Unsplash