PowerShell SnippetRace 49-50/2024

Toast Notifications, macOs, Starter Guides, Process Monitor


  • Steven Bucher and Jason Helmick from the PowerShell Engineering Team join us for the PowerShell Usergroup Austria Quarterly Februar 11th 2025.
    Stay tuned for details – this will be 60 minutes of feature packed news from the world of your favorite one-liner.
  • ExpertsLive Austria Conference 2025 – June 18th 2025. Watch www.expertslive.at for more.


Write Toast Notifications with PowerShell

If you run PowerShell Desktop on (obviously) Windows, you can use the module „BurntToastNotifications“ to display notifications like the one above on a Windows Desktop. The module has quite a range of options for the notifications like silent, expirationtime, snooze and dismiss, so all your requirements for this should be covered. Read Leos Marek blog on how to use them.

PowerShell and essential tools on macOS

I have to admit, i was a 30 years Windows User and finally landed on a Macbook Pro. With all the downsides of NOT having Windows in a Microsoft environment i will never give this tool away. If you also have a macbook and want to get a great PowerShell environment, read Mike F. Robbins blog on how to achieve this.

PowerShell Tutorial and guides

You are a PowerShell starter or know somebody who just wants to begin ? Recently some people blogged about basic stuff everybody should know about Powershell. See links and details below:

Understand PowerShell objects Adam Bertram

PowerShell Variables Adam Bertram

Parameter Splatting Patrick Grünauer

Use the PowerShell Pipeline Adam Bertram

Process Monitor 4.0.1

Not really a PowerShell topic, but still relevant when running Windows Operating Systems. Sysinternals recently released a new Version of Process monitor with a bunch of new features. Read the blog from Jasmin Kahriman on more details.

Happy advent weeks !


Foto von Ryan Klaus: https://www.pexels.com/de-de/foto/schnee-landschaft-berge-natur-19727169/

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